Transit of telecommunications traffic

For Retail and Wholesale Operators
Similarly to the domestic market, the exchange of international telephone calls is implemented based on the SIP Trunk telecommunications system – HIPERUS Carrier to Carrier (C2C). International voice transit (wholesale voice) is carried out on the basis of both LCR and dedicated routing. The key to the correct implementation of transit is the management system for rates, routes and call quality. This system allows the implementation of transit and termination of telecommunications connections directed to the LoVo network by international partners.

The business model in the case of relations between international operators is different than on the domestic market. The parameters differing from national ones, account for strength and interest in cooperation. Before the transit of traffic between operators takes place, the business case is the key, during which destinations, volumes and rates are discussed.

Subsequent activities include testing of contact points and billing test, i.e. the billing tests, whose task is to check the correctness of billing, settlements and calculation of charges.

Significant quality parameters in the implementation of voice transit are:

  • ACD (Average Call Duration), which is the average duration of VoIP calls, considered as a parameter indicating the quality of traffic of a given operator.
  • ASR (Answer-Seizure Ratio), i.e. the ratio of successful calls to call attempts (also known as “call performance ratio”).
  • CLI (Calling Line Identification), or identification of the caller’s number (initiating the call).
  • nCLI lub Non CLI (non Calling Line Identification), i.e. no identification of the caller’s number (initiating the call).


At the level of traffic exchange, the following technical parameters and quality tests are important:

  • PING (Packet Internet Groper), also known as sonar for diagnosing the speed of network connections.
  • FAS (False Answer Supervision) is commonly referred to as the supervision of false telephone responses. For an ordinary user, this means incorrect calculation of connection fees: the billing starts earlier than the called party answers the call.
  • Direct routing, i.e. direct connections between operators from own networks and numbering.

International standard codecs used by operators around the world are used in LoVo for transit of international calls.

Benefits for partners

Benefits for international partners cooperating with LoVo when transiting international calls:

  • Own (retail) international traffic from own network.
  • Creating routing within up to 1 minute (online and ontime).
  • Own, proprietary system for management of rates, routing, alerts and price lists.
  • We offer five types of price lists:
    • Retail,
    • CLI,
    • nCLI,
    • CLI EOG,
    • CLI non EOG.
  • We are open to the SWAP cooperation model.
  • A large number of contact points including directs (over 800 on the domestic and foreign market).
  • Broadcasting of Polish numbering for international operators, routing number and subscriber numbering, including:
    • PLI CBD,
    • support for emergency calls.

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