Security package

IP restrictions and quota limits
The security package is a solution introducing additional security measures in form of IP restrictions and quota limits on subscribers’ accounts.

What is a fraud?

Fraud is a type of telecommunications’ abuse, mostly aimed at money extortion or services’ usage without intention to pay. It also any other kind of telecommunication services’ usage against its intended purpose, concluded agreements, applicable law or technical standards provided in parties’ networks or other telecommunication networks. It follows the development of the telecommunication market all over the world. Its negative effects are felt by both customers and carriers.


How does the Security Package work?

LoVo’s security package service is divided into two valuable functionalities:

  • IP restrictions.
  • Quota limits.

Each of them can be implemented separately or in a beneficial package.

By using the IP restrictions you can define exact IP addresses from which you can make calls using subscribers’ devices.

Quota limits base on setting limits on the end-user accounts after exceeding which the subscriber will lose the ability to make calls. This will protect them against any potential telecommunication fraud and unexpected costs associated with fraudulent calls.


Pakiet bezpieczeństwa w wirtualnej centrali abonenckiej Hiperus C5

Benefits for Partners

  • Minimizing the risk of telecommunication fraud.
  • Ability to define quota limits in daily, weekly or monthly amounts.
  • Defining secure IP addresses and subnets.

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